Sunday, March 29, 2015

Afternoon delight

Afternoon delight : pisang goreng, gethuk keju, lapis singkong and chily es dawet / es cendol for my kids. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Hosted a ladies luncheon.

getting ready with the table
Soto Banjar, vegetable stir fry, fried tempeh, bistik jawa (Javanese beef steak's style), potato cake, krupuk and sambal are served for lunch.
My signature bolu tape (fermented cassava cake), es dawet (Javanese cold beverage), and pisang goreng (banana fritters) for dessert
Indonesian tea is served

My signature bolu tape ( fermented cassava cake )

My signature bolu tape ( fermented cassava cake ) recipe

Ing : 
500 gr tapai ( fermented cassava ), take the string out then mashed.
5 tbsp sweetened condensed milk 
8 eggs
270 gr sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla 
225 gr butter, melted
150 gr cheddar cheese ( grated )
260 gr all purpose flour 
2 tsp baking powder

Method :
Preheat the oven to 350F, butter a cake pan. Beat eggs and sugar in a large bowl with a mixer on medium high speed about 3 minutes, reduce the mixer speed to medium, beat in flour and baking powder little by little for 2 min. Add tapai and other rest of the ingredients, mix well with the scrapper. Pour the batter into a prepared pan and bake for 45 min.